Tuesday, May 15, 2012


Welcome to Brown Girl in the Beauty Aisle! 

I started this blog to provide reviews on the numerous products I have collected over the years (and continue to acquire). I am one who hates to spend money on things only to find out that they are shitty products or simply won't work for me. If you ask my husband he'd say I was a product-hoarder...I prefer to say "connoisseur". Either way I've learned a lot about products over the years, acquired a taste for the best ones and wanted to share. Oh, and I love video reviews so stay tuned.
Warning: I'm brutally honest and a bit of a "potty mouth".

  1. This blog receives no payment or other compensation for advertising.
  2. This blog receives no payment or other compensation for reviews of products or services.
  3. If I did not pay full retail price for a product being reviewed, I will definitely state that in the review.
  4. Unless explicitly stated, I have no affiliation or relationship with the supplier of a product being reviewed.
  5. Acceptance of a free sample does not guarantee a review...but it's highly likely.

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